Unsigned Hype

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

You may have noticed the music playing at the top of my profile...if not your either on a phone or your computer is really old and slow..j/k. This is my unsigned hype section. I believe in supporting your fellow man. Let's face it. Not everyone has SouljaBoy Success in promotions. So this section is for the artist who's having a hard time getting their music to the people. So my first featured artist is a duo that i have talked about a few times on my blog R&B sensations, J-Rock & Delay, The Twins. they really dont need a bio because they're on here so much. Artists sending mp3 or URL files will recieve full review of material and feedback on how to make your music better and praise if your track is hot. '09 is the time!!
Send mp3 or URL files to SENTRecords.dibbs@gmail.com

Dueces!\-D Dibbs

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